I haven't written since the last time I wrote and my excuse is that I learned something about myself. When I am a robot, I am a robot and I can't be both myself and a robot because it hurts. More specifically, when the robot to self ratio is hugely unbalanced, I chew my fingernails because it hurts good, eat all my feelings because it feels both horrible and wonderful all at once and I see an alligator in the mirror. Also, Negative Nancy comes to town. Who invited her? Not me. Go away, Nancy.
My meager ratio of self raised its hand recently and said, "I am not a robot, ok?" Thanks, self. Thanks. The robot officially has an expiration date of September 10, 2010 and I can already see the tables turning on the ratio.
A favorite friend said this to me yesterday in so many words: You have to show all sides of yourself to the world. The great, the bad, the embarrassing, the stupid, the brilliant.
Universe, I'm talking to you. But everyone else can know too. Because it's not a secret. It's an announcement.